ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP)
DATE: 2025 March 20-21 th
LOCATION: Vilnius (registered participants will be informed about the training venue)
LANGUAGE: Lithuanian
Vaidas Adomauskas

EARLY BIRD (until 10th of March):
935 € (+ VAT)
1125 € (+ VAT)
You can register for the training course by filling in the registration form. If you have any questions, contact us: info@agilecoach.lt or +37061703001
Who is the training for?
project managers;
team leaders;
for anyone interested in managing Agile projects.
What are the benefits of training?
Agile project management methods (such as Scrum or Kanban) have just a few rules and seem very simple at first glance. However, adapting them so that they bring benefits is difficult enough. This requires understanding the essence of Agile principles and examining real-life examples from companies.
In the training, we will understand the reasons behind Agile project management and how they have been tested using these methods in real companies. We will also create an implementation plan that can be a good guide for a participant who decides to use these methods to manage their projects.
Agile projektų valdymo metodai įgalina įmones planuoti ir kontroliuoti projektų apimtį, biudžetą ir laiką net jei projekto reikalavimai nuolat kinta. T.y. jie užtikrina šiandienos greitai besikeičiančio verslo poreikių įgyvendinimą.
Šiuose dviejų dienų mokymuose dalyviai supras kodėl ir kada Agile projektų valdymo metodikos yra naudingos, kaip jas taikyti praktikoje, kokie laukia didžiausi iššūkiai ir siurprizai ir kaip su jais tvarkytis (praktiniai patarimai iš patirties).
Išklausę kursą dalyviais gaus ICAgile sertifikuoto profesionalo (ICP) sertifikatą.
What training program?
The training consists of theoretical material combined with practical personal experience of the lecturer in the implementation and use of Agile methods. About half of the training programs consist of practical exercises. They are designed to allow trainees to immediately test new knowledge and discuss first-hand experience.
1 day:
Agile project management
Why and when Agile project management methods work
Basics of Agile project management
Scrum roles
Scrum process
An overview of other popular Agile project management methods
Extreme Programming (XP)
Lean Software Development
Day 2:
Product / project planning
Agile Planning: From Idea to Product Bakclog
Agile Requirements Writing: User Stories
Agile work size assessment: Story Points
Agile job size estimation techniques: White Elephant Sizing, Planning Poker
Getting started with Agile project management
Creating an action plan
Practical advice
What certificate will I receive?
Participants will receive an ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP) certificate issued by the international Agile consortium (ICAgile).
Book a place!
You can reserve a place for training by filling in the reservation form. If you have any questions, contact us: info@agilecoach.lt or +37061703001