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David Pereira

David Pereira is a product leader with 17+ years of experience. He's sharpened his skills by leading diverse teams, from startups to giant corporations. Since 2020, he has openly shared his mistakes, failures, and insights on agile product management, reaching over 20 million readers worldwide. His thought-provoking courses had 15K+ satisfied students across 120+ countries.

Author of Untrapping Product Teams: Best-selling book on product management, grounded on reality, not fantasy. Sold in 70+ countries. And praised by industry references like Marty Cagan, Aakash Gupta, and Mike Cohn.

Top writer on product management and agile350+ published articles with millions of reads worldwide. The content I share has helped professionals worldwide to create value faster.

 Guiding an agency from traditional project management to modern product management: I led the team on a transformational journey to focus on outcomes instead of outputs. Leading over following. Satisfying customers instead of pleasing them. The mission required staff training, hiring, changes, and organizational coaching. It was exciting and rewarding.

Innovate the secondhand car market in Brazil. We created a business of 200M USD per year. I was the Product Owner responsible for three Scrum Teams. I led them in discovering solutions that disrupted this market. 

Exponential marketplace growth: from a 500K € to 45M € revenue per year. My role was to find alternatives for scaling the business; I was the Product Manager of it.

Let his unique expertise inspire your journey.

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