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Certified Agile Leadership CAL1
WHEN: to be detailed
VENUE: Vilnius (will be announced)
Angel Diaz-Maroto
EARLY BIRD (till 15th of March):
850€ (+ VAT)
990€ (+ VAT)
...€ (+ VAT)
You can register to the training by filling the registration form. If you have any questions, contact us:

Learn the secrets to nurture Agile organizations and how to work on self-development to become an effective Agile Leader in this two-day Certified Agile Leadership℠ training.

Target audience
  • Executives, middle management, and other leaders with organizational influence.

  • Leaders who support, lead, or interact with Agile teams.

  • Scrum Masters / Agile coaches

  • Any leader sponsoring, requesting, or involved with an Agile adoption within their organization

What is an Agile Leader?

Since 2001, tens of thousands of leaders all around the world have been creating workplaces in the spirit of the Agile Manifesto. These workplaces were initially most evident in software development. But Agile leadership is now spreading to all parts of the organization and across all sectors of the economy, particularly as software itself has become a key driver of business success. Agile leaders are not just tinkering with the management practices that were once successful. They are creating something different — workplaces with a culture of agility and with Agile values, practices, and metrics.


An Agile leader…

  • Operates effectively amid uncertainty, complexity, and rapid change

  • Is knowledgeable about Agile values, approaches, and practices

  • Surfaces more creative solutions through increased self-awareness, a growth mindset, and engaging others

  • Aligns and empowers teams toward delivering more customer value

  • Personally integrates feedback and experiments, and adapts their ways

  • Takes a collaborative continuous improvement approach to organizational effectiveness

  • Catalyzes change in others and facilitates organizational change

Training Schedule

What to expect from a CAL1?

Day 1

  • Context of Agile: Understanding Business Agility and why organizations are trying to embrace Agile

  • Leadership development in “The leader’s Dancefloor”: Learning and practicing an innovative leadership development framework based on Co-active coaching, ontological coaching, Agile and complexity thinking.

  • Complexity: Learn and practice of complexity thinking and the Cynefin framework

  • Collective dimension of leadership: Understand and practice how to influence the collectivity you’re leading.

    • Organizational culture: Understanding and practicing the competing values framework.

    • Organizational Structure: Learn and practice how to structure organizations to better handle complexity.

    • Agile processes: Learn how to lead the implementation of Agile practices and frameworks in organizations.

Day 2

  • Leading organizational Change: Learn and practice different approaches to lead organizational change such as: Lean change, Kotter 8 steps, and V.Satir model.

  • Personal dimension of leadership: Understand and follow your leadership development journey.

    • Interacting as a leader: Explore and understand different leadership Styles and when to use them.

    • Acting as a leader: Learn how to give, receive and incorporate feedback to achieve the best results as a leader.

    • Being a leader: Learn and practice how to emphatically connect with others and what’s the impact of that in your leadership.


After successfully completing this course, participants will obtain the Certified Agile Leader certification CAL1 from the Scrum Alliance, plus a two year paid membership.

Are you interested in trainings?

You can register to the training by filling the registration form. If you have any questions, contact us:

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